Exercise Programs To Improve Joint And Muscle Healing

Act Quickly to Prevent Joint and Muscle Deterioration During Recovery

Exercise programs that improve joint and muscle recovery and pain relief come in various types and forms that will fit your specific needs during progressive stages of your healing and recovery.

Limited mobility is expected where joint and muscle pain is involved, or where you may be recovering from wounds or surgery. Important to you will be various types of exercise programs that will maintain or improve strength, mobility, and prevent bone and muscle atrophy during your recovery.

Obey the Laws of Bone and Muscle Strength or Suffer Rapid Deterioration

Realize the risks you may be taking and the consequences of not exercising during recovery if you are not willing to endure some stress and pain while aiding your recovery. Wolff's law developed over 100 years ago, basically states that bone must be stressed under sufficient load to stimulate building and continued rebuilding. Conversely, bone that is not stressed by pushing, pulling, straining, twisting, torquing, pounding and bumping will not receive the stimulus to make it grow, but will weaken and deteriorate.

This is no less true for muscle. If muscles are not worked and sometimes worked hard, but allowed to rest too long they too lose their strength and start to deteriorate.

Unused muscle starts to deteriorate after three days, and bone will start as soon as a week of no use.

Obviously some forms of exercise programs must be performed during your recovery process. Its extent will be determined by your ability to move even a little, and the types of workout method you choose.

What Works Best For Limited to Very Limited Mobility

No one form of joint or muscle conditioning will give you all you will need to satisfy all bone and muscle basic requirements. Various exercise programs have advantages and disadvantages – they can help you or hinder you.

Wisdom encourages gaining a basic understanding of several routine types and adapting the parts that will work for you under each stage of your recovery. Each step should be carefully built upon as you advance to your full workout capabilities.

Isometric exercise is a type of strength training exercise involving little or no movement in joints and muscles, but is a method where pressure is applied to something that will not move away and joint and muscle strain for brief periods of time.

Isometrics are done in a stationary position whether it be standing, sitting, or laying. Joints and muscles are pressed against a nonmovable object or pulled, stretched, twisted, or torqued in a holding position where resistance is met. Each performance of the activity can last from 10 to 60 seconds with 1 to 2 minute rest breaks.

Examples: Sitting in a chair lifting one or two of your legs up under a low heavy table applying pressure in an upward direction for 16 seconds for each repetition.

Standing in a doorway pressing arms outward against the door jams for 23 seconds.

Lying in a bed with a blanket around your legs that will not give way as you apply sideways outward pressure with your legs for 21 seconds. Here legs or arms can also press together, lift up, or press down, with the bed or blanket providing the resistance to strain against.

Taking firm hold of a doorknob in front of you bending over to the left or right torquing your whole arm and holding for 27 seconds. Various movements and positions make for a better workout.

Just use your imagination and seek to work as many joint, muscle, and bone as you can.

Anaerobic exercise is intense short duration conditioning used by body builders to build muscle mass, not long term high strength, not recommend for anything but where muscle fluff is desired.

Aerobic exercise is lesser in intensity that's performed over longer periods of workout times that builds enduring strength. It is a "full range of motion" type of exercise programs that offers different advantages over stationary type programs.

Examples: Walking, jogging, running, biking (or cycling), swimming, skiing.

Aerobic conditioning works best when conducted in three phases – warm up period, workout period that maintains heart rate of 85% over the rest state for 15 to 20 minutes, and a cooling down period with slow movement or stretching.

Strength Training builds superior overall body strength well supporting bone and muscle strengthening, development, and maintenance, satisfying Wollf's Law.

Strength Training greatly improves your coordination, mobility, stability, and balance. Rewarding you with protection from falls.

Strength Training combined with Aerobic and Isometric exertion activities do wonders for overall body health providing superior benefits physically and mentally.

Not only does it improve your recovery rate, but goes beyond by helping you recover from many existing chronic diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, obesity, diabetes, and pain in joint and muscle, and more.

Strength Training is safely used by all people of all ages and in all health conditions.

Whole Body Vibration exercise is very useful where extreme immobilization is necessary in early recovery. It has been well studied. Whole body or a single limb is vibrated at specific frequencies that increases circulation, improving oxygen to the injured area, thus improving healing.

Massage is effective for improving circulation and adding oxygen to the concerned areas.

Warning: Hospitals are notorious for not helping you maintain even a small amount of exercise until you are already in atrophy stages. You must, on your own, courageously do what ever you can (carefully) as early as possible in your stay.

Take the time to discover the pros and cons of good exercise programs. No one program should be considered, but parts of several must be blended to satisfy your needs during progressive stages of your recovery to fully achieve joint and muscle relief and good health.

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