Home Remedy For Knee Joint Pain

Knee joint pain is a chronic condition that can be caused by short-term or long-term problems. Short-term knee joint pains can be the result of intense workout, football games, or any rigorous activities. Usually, knee joint pain caused by any of these activities does not need the help of a doctor. All that is required is a little massage and some pain relievers. However, in the case of long-term knee joint pain, the situation can become so severe that it hinders one from performing his or her daily activities. Irrespective of the type of knee joint pain and the cause, some natural home remedies can reduce knee joint pains.

Among these remedies are the ten explained below:


Ginger is often used as a spice for cooking; however, this spice can also be used to relieve knee joint pain. In a study conducted by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)Trusted Source, it was revealed that the gingerol compound in ginger is highly effective for treating pain. This compound helps to trigger the flow of natural energy in the joint, causing it to sweat. When ginger is used consistently, it can reduce knee joint pain to the bare minimum.

How to use

ginger is available in both topical form and oral form. For the treatment of knee joint pain, the two ways are very effective. This implies that ginger can be taken as a tea or applied to the affected knee.


Another remedy for the treatment of knee joint pain is exercise. Although resting the leg might seem a better way to avoid pain, this can stiffen the joint and intensify inflammation. However, daily exercise can help to ease the knee joint pain and increase the flow of natural energy in the joint.

Experts usually handle exercise for patients suffering from knee joint pain. Most of these exercises include slow movement, meditation, and relaxation, and walking. Most times, the patients are advised to join a specific type of Yoga class or a Tai Chi class. The two exercises are very effective in treating inflammation and pain. They both help in the physical mobility of the patients’ health. Patients that cannot join any of these two classes are advised to practice some of the exercises listed below on their own:

Stretch the legs whenever you are sitting or lying. Sit on a chair and then stand and sit repeatedly for 10 mins. When doing this exercise, avoid using your hands to support your knees. Also, do not try to rush yourself, take the exercise slowly.

Try squatting and standing repeatedly. While doing the exercise, ensure your kneecap is covering your toes. Do the exercise for at least 10 mins.Try taking a walk around for 10 or 15 minutes.

Things to avoid

Avoid sitting on chairs or couches that are too low. Avoid sitting in a position for too long. This can stiffen the knee joint and intensify the pain. Avoid wearing shoes with broken arches because they can cause a strain on the knee. It is advisable always to wear supportive shoes.

Ensure that your sitting position is very okay, not one that requires leaning or slouching.


Another very effective home remedy for the treatment of knee joint pain is turmeric. Turmeric is very rich in curcumin – a substance that is rated the same as the popular painkiller known as ibuprofen. The curcumin substance in turmeric help to inhibit the work of the enzymes that trigger knee joint pain.

How to use:

Although turmeric is usually used as a spice for cooking alone, using it as tea and as a spice for cooking is a good cure for joint pain. Also, turmeric is available in the topical form as oil. The oil can be used to massage the affected knees.

Heat And Cold Pad

This is simply a method of massaging the affected leg using heat or cold pad. Heat or cold pad helps to relax the muscle around the joint and also avoid stiffness. In the absence of a pad, a hot water bottle or a warm towel or cloth can be used.

How to use

When using the hot or cold pad, it is advisable to use the hot water or pad in the morning to reduce the joint pressure and stiffness. The cold pad can be used any other time during the day or at night.

Healthy Diet

Food can become a great medicine when consumed the right way. A diet rich in fibers, fruits, and vegetables can be a great cure for knee joint pain. However, the constant consumption of dairy, red meat, saturated fat, and processed food can further intensify the condition.

When suffering from chronic knee joint pain, it is advisable to include any of the food listed below in your diet:


Fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid which contains the polyunsaturated fatty acid that helps to reduce inflammatory proteins in the body. Aside from this benefit, polyunsaturated fatty acid reduces the risk of diabetes and increases brain function. However, it is important to note that not all fish can supply the body with this nutrient, some of the fish high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, herring, mackerel, trout, tuna, and halibut. Regular consumption of any of these fish can help to reduce knee joint pain to the barest minimum.

Brassica vegetables

Brassica vegetables belong to the cabbage and mustard family. These vegetables include kale, purple cabbage, mustard greens, arugula, and Brussels sprout. These vegetables are a great source of sulforaphane – a compound that helps to reduce the effect of the cytokine enzymes that trigger inflammation and pain in the joint. Aside from this compound, vegetables are loaded with other nutrients that help in the overall wellness of the body.


Berries, cherry, orange, pineapple, apples, and others are good fruits for treating pain and inflammation in the knee joint. Fruits provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy joint. Fruits are also a great source of anthocyanins, a compound that helps to block the activities of the enzymes that trigger pains and inflammation in the joints.
A diet rich in fruits can be a great way to cure knee joint pain.


Massage can also be a great way to reduce constant pain in the knee joint. Massage involves using the hands and fingers to knead, press, and exert pressure on any part of the body. Massaging the knee joint and around the knee can trigger the flow of natural energy in the joint. It can also help to reduce pain and inflammation. For faster results, massage can be used alongside a hot or cold pad.

Natural Herbs

One of the best ways to treat joint pain is natural herbs. Herbs like willow bark and Boswellia are great anti-inflammatory remedies and pain relievers. When any of these herbs are continuously used, it can reduce the knee joint pain to the barest minimum.

Boswellia is popularly referred to as Indian frankincense. The part of the herbs used to treat knee joint pain, and inflammation is extracted from the root. This herb is available in both topical and oral forms. For knee joint treatment, it is advisable to use both forms; however, in small quantities.

Willow bark is also a good natural remedy for knee joint pain. This herb has been used for the treatment of pain as far back as the fifth century. At this time, the herbs are often chewed or taken as a tea. However, it is advisable that when using the herb, use in small quantities. This is because the willow bark contains a harmful component known as salicin. When taken in high proportion, this component can shut down the kidney.

Other herbs that can be used for pain include aloe vera, eucalyptus, thunder god vine, and cat’s claw.